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Bonsai Trees A – Z
| Japanese Andromeda Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Pieris japonica Common name: Japanese Andromeda, Lily of the Valley Shrub, Japanese pieris, Andromeda, Pearl Bush. |
Bald Cypress Bonsai Tree Scientific Name: Taxodium Distichum Common Name: Swamp cypress, Baldcypress, Cypress | |
Balfour Aralia Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Polyscias balfouriana syn. Aralia balfouriana, Polyscias scutellaria ‘Balfouriana’. Common name: Balfour Aralia, Chicken Gizzard, Black Aralia, Dinner Plate Aralia. | |
Barbados Cherry Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Malpighia glabra Common name: Barbados Cherry, Acerola, Wild Crapemyrtle, West Indian Cherry. | |
Bay Leaf Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Laurus nobilis Common name: Bay Laurel, Bay, Bay Leaf, Laurel, Sweet Bay | |
Brazilian Rain Tree Bonsai Scientific name: Pithecellobium tortum syn. Cathormion tortum, Feuilleea torta, Chloroleucon tortum. Common name: Brazilian Rain Tree, Jurema, Jurema Branca. | |
Brush Cherry Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Eugenia myrtifolia or Syzygium paniculatum Common name: Brush Cherry, Scrub Cherry, Magenta Cherry | |
Burning Bush Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Euonymus alatus Common name: Winged Spindle, Winged Euonymus, Burning Bush, Winged Wahoo. | |
Calamondin Orange Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Citrus mitis Common name: Calamondin Orange, Panama orange, Citrus Bonsai, Orange Citrus Bonsai | |
Camellia Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Camellia sasanqua Common name: Camellia | |
Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree Scientific Name: Ulmus Parvifolia Common Name: Chinese Elm, Lacebark Elm | |
Chinese Fringe Flower Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Loropetalum chinensis var. rubrum Common name: Chinese Fringe Flower, Loropetalum, Chinese Witch Hazel. | |
Chinese Perfume Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Aglaia odorata Common name: Chinese Perfume, Chinese Rice Flower, Mock Lemon | |
Chinese Taro Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Alocasia cucullata Common name: Chinese Taro, Buddha’s Palm, Hooded Dwarf Elephant Ear, Buddha’s Hand, Buddha’s First Lily, Buddha’s Ear | |
Colorado Blue Spruce Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Picea pungens ‘glauca’ Common name: Colorado Blue Spruce, Blue Spruce | |
Common Fig Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Ficus carica Common name: Fig, Common Fig, Edible Fig, Fig Tree. | |
Common Pear Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Pyrus communis Common name: Common Pear, European Pear. | |
Copper Beech Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Fagus sylvatica ‘purpurea’ Common name: Beech Tree, Purple Beech, Copper Beech. | |
Crown Of Thorns Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Euphorbia milii Common name: Crown-of-thorns, Crown Of Thorns, Christ Plant, Christ Thorns. | |
Dawn Redwood Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Metasequoia glyptostroboides Common name: Dawn Redwood, Redwood. | |
Desert Rose Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Adenium obesum Common name: Desert Rose, Desert-Rose, Impala Lily, Kudu Lily, Sabi Star, Mock Azalea | |
Dwarf Alberta Spruce Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Picea glauca ‘conica’ Common name: Dwarf Alberta Spruce | |
Dwarf Black Olive Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Bucida spinosa Common name: Dwarf Black Olive, Spiny Black Olive. | |
Dwarf Jasmine Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Jasminum parkeri Common name: Dwarf Jasmine, Parker Jasmine. | |
Eastern White Cedar Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Andelyensis’ Common name: Atlantic White Cypress, Atlantic White Cedar, Eastern White Cedar, Andelyensis Atlantic Whitecedar, Andelyensis Whitecedar Falsecypress. | |
European Beech Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Fagus sylvatica Common name: Beech tree, European Beech, Common Beech Tree. | |
European White Birch Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Betula pendula Common name: Silver Birch, White Birch, European White Birch, European Birch, Weeping birch. | |
Ficus Bonsai Tree Scientific Name: Ficus benjamina Common Name: Weeping Fig, Benjamina Fig, Benjamin’s Fig, Dwarf Ficus Tree, Java Fig, Ficus Tree, Fig Tree | |
Flamingo Lily Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Anthurium andraeanum Common name: Flamingo Flower, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Lacquer Anthurium, Oilcloth Flower, Painter’s Palette, or Anthurium (sometimes also misspelled as Anturium, Anterium or Antorium) | |
Flowering Quince Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Chaenomeles speciosa Common name: Flowering Quince, Japanese Flowering Quince, Red Flowering Quince, Pink Flowering Quince, Quince | |
Fukien Tea Bonsai Tree Scientific Name: Ehretia microphylla or Carmona microphylla Common Name: Fukien Tea | |
Garden Croton Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Codiaeum variegatum Common name: Croton, Garden Croton, Variegated Laurel, Variegated Croton. | |
Gardenia Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Gardenia jasminoides Common name: Cape Jasmine, Gardenia. | |
Ginkgo Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Ginkgo biloba Common name: Maidenhair Tree, Ginkgo, Japanese Silver Apricot, Baiguo, Bai Guo Ye, Kew Tree, Yinhsing (yin-hsing) | |
Ginseng Ficus Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Ficus retusa Common name: Ginseng Ficus, Cuban-laurel, Indian Laurel Fig, Indian Laurel, Fig Laurel, Chinese Banyan Tree, Malayan Banyan Tree, Curtain Fig, Laurel Rubber. | |
Green Thread Cypress Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘filifera nana’ Common name: Dwarf Threadleaf False Cypress, Japanese False Cypress, Sawara False Cypress, Green Thread Cypress. | |
Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai Tree Scientific Name: Schefflera arboricola Common Name: Dwarf Umbrella Tree, Hawaiian Schefflera, Schefflera, Hawaiian Umbrella Tree, Arboricola | |
Heavenly Bamboo Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Nandina domestica Common name: Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo, Sacred Bamboo, Wood’s Dwarf Nandina. | |
Hinoki False Cypress Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Compacta’ Common name: Hinoki False Cypress, Compact Hinoki Cypress, Japanese Cypress. | |
Italian Cypress Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Cupressus sempervirens Common name: Mediterranean Cypress, Italian Cypress, Tuscan Cypress, Graveyard Cypress, Pencil Pine. | |
Jade Bonsai Tree Scientific Name: Portulacaria afra Common Name: Dwarf Jade Bonsai Tree, Jade Bonsai, Elephant Bush, Elephant Food, Elephant Plant, Miniature Jade, Dwarf Jade, Small Leaf Jade. | |
Japanese Black Pine Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Pinus thunbergii Common name: Japanese Black Pine, Japanese Pine, Black Pine. | |
Japanese Kingsville Boxwood Bonsai Tree Scientific Name: Buxus microphylla Common Name: Japanese Box, Littleleaf Box, Littleleaf Boxwood, Japanese Boxwood Bonsai | |
Japanese Cherry Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Prunus serrulata Common name: Japanese Cherry, Japanese Flowering Cherry, Hill Cherry, Oriental Cherry, East Asian Cherry, Amanogawa. | |
Japanese Honeysuckle Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Lonicera japonica, Lonicera chinensis Common name: Japanese Honeysuckle, Hall’s Japanese Honeysuckle, Gold-And-Silver Flower, Madreselva. | |
Japanese Larch Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Larix leptolepis or Larix kaempferi Common name: Japanese Larch, Blue Rabbit Larch, Dervaes Larch | |
Japanese Maple Bonsai Tree Scientific Name: Acer palmatum Common Name: Japanese Maple, Smooth Japanese Maple | |
Japanese Mock Orange Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Pittosporum tobira syn. Euonymus tobira Common name: Japanese Mock Orange, Japanese Pittosporum, Tobira, Japanese Cheesewood, Mock Orange, Australian Laurel. | |
Japanese Wisteria Bonsai Tree Scientific name: Wisteria floribunda Common name: Japanese Wisteria. | |
Juniper Bonsai Tree Scientific Name: Juniperus chinensis or Juniperus procumbens ‘Nana’ Common Name: Juniper |