The Dwarf Alberta Spruce Bonsai Tree, scientific name Picea glauca ‘conica’, originated in cool forested regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
It is an evergreen shrub with a deep green foliage that consist of needle-like leaves. Dense crown is supported by brown trunk that gets ridged with age.
This conifer makes an excellent bonsai tree. It produces small flowers that are followed by small cones. This evergreen is a hardy tree that needs to be grown outside.
Additional Information
Family: Pinaceae
Scientific name: Picea glauca ‘conica’
Common Names: Dwarf Alberta Spruce,
Origin: Native to Northern Hemisphere regions.
Appearance: It is a bushy evergreen that has a compact, conical outline. Unlike pine foliage, Spruce needle-like leaves grow individually around each stem. Dense deep green foliage is supported by thin gray-brown trunk that gets thicker and ridged with age. Roots are widespread and near the soil surface.
Flowering: It produces small inconspicuous that are monoecious, meaning male and female flowers on the same plant. Flowers are followed by small (if any) cones.
Outdoor/Indoor Use: Outdoors. Needs to be exposed to cold temperatures during winter. Protect roots from freezing temperatures.
Light Requirements: Full sun to partial shade.
Water Requirements: It likes moist but well-drained soil. Needs daily watering from spring to fall. Requires less water during winter months. Never allow the soil to dry out completely.
Pruning/Training: Prune branches in the fall when wounds will “bleed” less. During growing season wait for the new shoots to grow to 1 inch then pinch them back to about two-thirds of their length.
You can use wires in late autumn or winter. Some spruces are difficult to wire because they quickly return to their original shape once the wire is removed.
Bonsai Style: Most styles except for broom. Good styles for Dwarf Alberta Spruce Bonsai include straight-trunk, curved-trunk, windswept, and multitrunk.
Fertilizing: Feed with well balanced liquid fertilizer every two weeks from spring to fall.
Repotting: Needs to be repotted every two years during spring before the new growth begins or in the fall. It likes neutral to acidic, moist, well-drained soil. Use regular bonsai soil mix.
Hardiness: Grows best in the USDA Zones 2-8. Spruce is a hardy plant that needs to be exposed to cold temperatures during winter. Protect the roots from deep frost. In warmer climates place your spruce in the shadiest part of our yard during winter.
Insects and Diseases: Aphids, spider mites, rust. Two types of rust can occur but are usually only temporary conditions. Adelgids may cause pineapple-like galls on shoots.
These soft-bodied insects feed by sucking plant juices. These insects don’t do serious damage but can weaken the trees and make them susceptible to other insects and disease.
Propagation: By seeds and cuttings.
Buy Dwarf Alberta Spruce Bonsai – $49.95