The Lavender Star Flower Bonsai Tree, scientific name Grewia occidentalis, is an evergreen shrub that is native to Africa and Australia.
At the end of the spring, it produces beautiful star-shaped purple flowers, hence one of its common names Lavender Star Flower. This plant is drought and salt-tolerant. Great for indoors.
Additional Information
Family: Malvaceae
Scientific name: Grewia occidentalis
Common Names: African Starbush, Lavender Starflower, Crossberry, Four-corner, Buttonwood.
Origin: It is native to Africa and Australia.
Appearance: It is an evergreen shrub with simple, glossy, dark green leaves that are slightly hairy on both surfaces.
Flowering: At the end of spring it produces ornamental star-shaped purple flowers. Beautiful flowers are followed by shiny four-lobed fruits that turn reddish-brown to light purple when ripe. These little edible fruits can remain on the tree for a long period of time.
Outdoor/Indoor Use: Both. Like most tropical plants, it needs to be protected from freezing temperatures.
Light Requirements: It needs full sun for maximum blooming but can grow in partial shade.
Water Requirements: Likes moist but well-drained soil. Water more during hot summer months and less during winter. It is a drought and salt-tolerant plant.
Hardiness: Grows best in the USDA Zones 9-11. Needs to be protected from temperatures below 40F.
Propagation: By seed and cuttings.
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