Bonsai repotting is not as difficult as many bonsai beginners think. A while ago, I posted step-by-step instructions that make bonsai repotting the easiest thing you’ve ever done. Today, I will tell you what bonsai repotting mistakes you should avoid:
1. Using the same pot
Young bonsai grow faster than well-established ones, so make sure to use a larger pot when repotting your bonsai tree. The new pot should be clean and dry.
2. Cutting too much
When root trimming make sure to leave the root mass near the trunk undamaged. By keeping the inner root mass closest to the trunk unharmed, your bonsai will remain strong and healthy.
3. Cutting all the little roots
Removing all little roots and keeping only think roots will not benefit your bonsai tree. You need to remove only old and dead roots. Don’t cut more than one-third of the root mass because it can place significant stress on your bonsai tree.
4. Making the right cuts
When cutting think roots make sure to keep cuts facing down and not upward.
5. Feeding bonsai after repotting
Don’t feed your bonsai tree right after repotting. Fertilizing soil during repotting can burn and damage young and developing roots. It needs some time to deal with stress after repotting.
You can start feeding when you see some new growth. Use good quality fertilizer, that has all essential macro and micronutrient minerals that bonsai needs for healthy growth. I like to use Bonsai Pro Fertilizer. Here is a great article on Bonsai Fertilizing.
6. Using unclean tools
Make sure to clean and dry all of your scissors before root pruning to avoid spreading the disease.
7. Using the wrong soil
It is very important to use the right soil mix for your bonsai tree. Check the plant profile before getting the soil mix for your bonsai. The wrong soil mix can harm your bonsai tree and prevent it from growing.